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  • Sharon Hill and her Life Coaching and Leadership training has been an absolute blessing to me

    Sharon Hill and her Life Coaching and Leadership training has been an absolute blessing to me. I was unaware of my vast leadership abilities. She helped me to become more assertive with demonstrating my leadership skills and qualities. Her training cultivates leaders.

    Latara Williams, Director, Student Success Services Success Services, FKCC 04-15-2022

  • Sharon Hill and Rhema Consulting, LLC has been a great opportunity for me thus far

    Sharon Hill and Rhema Consulting, LLC has been a great opportunity for me thus far, the one-on-one coaching has helped tremendously for my personal life, especially for my job and family. I received the best training for my Ministry Leadership role at N.B.M as Lead Usher. Ms. Sharon Hill is a true servant of God and an absolute blessing to my life!

    Felecia Creal New Beginnings Ministries 02-10-2021

  • My coaching experience with Sharon Hill was a positive one

    My coaching experience with Sharon Hill was a positive one. I was coached weekly for 6-8 weeks and during that time I was able to explore some of the hindrances I had that stopped me from becoming all God wants me to be. I was able to develop positive strategies to enable me to move toward my goals which she helped and encouraged me to set.

    God has given me a desire to bring worship instruments into the hands of believers and to allow them to be used to glorify God. During coaching I was able to more clearly see the path I needed to follow. I have to say that Sharon did not do this for me but directed me and brought out of me what I really wanted to see happen to obtain this goal.

    I am grateful to Sharon for helping me work through my anxieties and concerns and come to realize I can use my God given talents for the advancement of His Kingdom so I can be all God wants me to be.

    Christine Minor The Colors of His Presence Ministry 03-18-2022